Episode 23

Luxury Candles with Purpose. Giving Light, Love and Access to Clean Drinking Water to Someone in Need with Janey Snelgrove and Shannon Fisher from Pillars of Light

Janey Snelgrove and Shannon Fisher from Pillars of Light came together in the darkest part of the pandemic, with the goal to spread love and light throughout the world. In this episode we learn how the two explored the one-for-one model and other ways to give back, before settling on a partnership with GivePower. We discover why they chose luxury candles and why they went from pouring their own to partnering with a manufacturer in Montreal. We bring to light the unique challenges of launching a product in COVID times, learn what it means to be purpose- first. Hear what they learned about candle safety and funding for female-founded companies, and why after committing to bringing clean drinking water to 1 Million People, they feel so hopeful for the future. 

If you want to learn more about Janey, Shannon and how they’re Giving love through light—with a 1-for-1 approach visit www.pillarsoflight.co. Looking for that perfect gift? Their giveback model means that your purchase gives access to 5 years of clean drinking water to someone in need around the world. You can follow along with Janey and Shannon on their mission to spread light on Instagram @pillars_of_light.co

Links from this episode

Pillars of Light


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This episode is brought to you by Hip Mommies, carefully curated wholesale merchandise for modern retail. If you want to stock your shelves with brands that are socially responsible and sustainable, or if you want to be a part of the collection that is delighting Canadian retail, visit hipmommies.ca.

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About the Podcast

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the Cost Of Goods Sold
the environmental & social costs of what we buy. Sustainability, social entrepreneurship & conscious consumerism.

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About your host

Profile picture for Jennifer Chua

Jennifer Chua

I’m Jennifer Myers Chua. A curious and creative type, an entrepreneur, creative director and podcaster. With a background in web and digital design, I co-founded an import/distribution business focused on sustainable and innovative goods for conscious retail. I’m currently exploring the environmental and social costs of the things we buy with the Cost Of Goods Sold podcast.